Thursday, April 12, 2012

This 'n That

Lines that always move me to tears:

- The last two lines of John Donne's "Death, be not proud . . ."
- The last line of Simon and Garfunkle's "I Am A Rock"
- The last paragraph of Louise Erdrich's "The Shawl"

My favorite sonnet:  Shakespeare's  "That time of year ..."(those simple, incredible first four lines . . . )
My favorite British Romantic poet: William Wordsworth  (especially for "Tintern Abbey")

Two books I came to love (but only after I had to teach them): Dickens' Hard Times and Austen's
Sense and Sensibility

Music I wish my students would listen to: the folk and rock songs of the 60's and 70's. The incredible imagery and symbolism would lead them to better understand and interpret the poetry I try to teach them.

Something I hope everyone will read: Toni Morrison's "To A Sudanese Woman," Newsweek, September 26, 2011.

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